Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hope For Olympics and China.

I hope the 2008 summer Olympics in China are free of any political problems, fights, terrorism, etc. I know China has had questionable relations with Tibet and some of its other neighbors, but i hope all goes well for China, and that the western media, and media from all over the world represent truly the games as they are won and lost. It would be truly awful to watch biased coverage on the television cause some corporate executive wants to portray China in a negative light.

The Chinese people deserve to be proud of their country. They have worked harder in the last 30yrs than any other country. The sacrifices made in this time by the Chinese are unmatched. Americans would never work as hard for as little as the Chinese have. The entire country of china has diligently created and surpassed most economies of the world. They have much to be proud of. All their hard work has paid off and the prize is the Olympics.

Having worked so diligently, it would be terrible to see the Chinese have it taken away from them because some foreign countries are jealous. Bejing should be glowing in all its splendor when the Olympics begin. I wish i could be there to see the ceremonies, but my circumstance and monetary situation at the time will not allow this.

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