Sunday, July 20, 2008

Will the 2008 olympics be exciting?

The Olympics this year in China will be more exciting than previous years. The tension in the world is close to a all time high. This alone will make the Olympics exciting and engaging. The pride of many nations will be at stake, and this will drive competition beyond normal levels. With all the turmoil and resentment of countries towards one another, the matches should be edge of your seat thrilling.
Competitions between Countries such as France and America, Germany and England will have me watching with utmost attention, many other countries will also make for heated competition. Everyone likes a good match, and I have a feeling this year the matches will not disappoint us. China will have my eyes upon it, and i have a feeling they will deliver. A good match of soccer, track and field, etc. will be thrilling. I hope you are as excited as I am.
For humans to expand as a species we need to get beyond wars of aggression for resources. The 2008 Olympics are a stage, show us that on the field of sport is where real men and women compete, not in military aircraft, ships, and carriers. Countries will have the opportunity display their cultural strengths, and tact. Let the games begin and let the best competitor win.

You have birth rights.

Humanity has been hijacked. Freedom is a birth right, and yes there are birth rights, your mother protects you until you can protect yourself, these protections are forms of your birth rights. People who say there is no such thing as birth or God given rights are self defeating, these people think you get all your rights from the state, not very intelligent on their part. I am often told we are in Iraq for our freedom, yea right, tell it to someone else. I don't get my freedom from Iraq or any other country for that matter. It is my birth right.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

You can’t eat dollar bills

dollar-roll.jpgAmerica has been a beacon of hope for many people around the globe, and it should carry on as such. These days America seems to be turning in on itself, and not in a good way. On the streets i hear people talking politics to the point of argument. At work people either avoid political issues in order to avoid arguments or the just seem frustrated and disgruntled with the current political climate, and life in general. In this blog I shall present forth ideas on how we can create a better environment for all, including the disgruntled, frustrated, and those who simply chose to avoid politics as to not ruffle any feathers. I will cut through the misconceptions to find honest solutions which are beneficial to our beloved America and all her people, and even the world.

The fact that you physically can’t eat dollar bills, should be simple enough to understand on the surface, but this title has a much more profound beneath the surface meaning. America has forgotten its spirit of working togather as a country, of people building, creating, growing and all other sorts of production. We can’t all be farmers and construction workers, etc. but we can’t all be dependent on a system which manipulates every aspect to generate revenue for itself. If we do rely on the printed money we disassociate ourselves from the basic human need to contribute and feel a sense of worth. If we just depend on money for all our needs we may find ourselves in situations which we may not particularly enjoy yet have to perform just to acquire money. The fact that you need dollar bills to get the basic necessities is concerning. This allows for manipulation of all aspects of peoples lives. We as a people of the country of The United States Of America need to work with one another, not fight with one another. We must grow food, even in small spaces, plant potatoes, tomatoes, get your hands dirty, feel a sense of pride. We must also stop looking at cities as some great cultural heaven, though there are benefits of cities, there are just as many if not more negatives. Cities leave us valunerable.

America has to work together as a country. Racism is a self destructive game which in the long run makes our entire country vulnerable. Racist are to busy oppressing their own country men. This in the long run defeats the country, consider it as scoring a goal on your own team, pain beyond expression. I call out to all Americans to produce things, grow food, build homes. I know the America I grew up loving can do this. If not the other options are more government control, more crowded cities dependent of paper money, more manipulation. Please America, be strong, don’t be afraid to get dirty, and have pride in the country. Now i am off to plant some seeds, of love and community.

Hope For Olympics and China.

I hope the 2008 summer Olympics in China are free of any political problems, fights, terrorism, etc. I know China has had questionable relations with Tibet and some of its other neighbors, but i hope all goes well for China, and that the western media, and media from all over the world represent truly the games as they are won and lost. It would be truly awful to watch biased coverage on the television cause some corporate executive wants to portray China in a negative light.

The Chinese people deserve to be proud of their country. They have worked harder in the last 30yrs than any other country. The sacrifices made in this time by the Chinese are unmatched. Americans would never work as hard for as little as the Chinese have. The entire country of china has diligently created and surpassed most economies of the world. They have much to be proud of. All their hard work has paid off and the prize is the Olympics.

Having worked so diligently, it would be terrible to see the Chinese have it taken away from them because some foreign countries are jealous. Bejing should be glowing in all its splendor when the Olympics begin. I wish i could be there to see the ceremonies, but my circumstance and monetary situation at the time will not allow this.



When I was young the word soulmate had a profound meaning, one which I didn’t fully understand at the time. The word brought forth such feeling of joy and excitement, as my young eyes would light up at its mere mention. Though as all things this too passed, Much to my dismay. This word has continued to lose more and more meaning, and now upon its mention I instantly roll my eyes.

Losing meaning of a word such as soul mate has left me empty. I’ve had a few long term relationships, and with each relationship I became more and more disillusioned with the word and finding a “soul mate”. I have now reached a point where I think the whole concept behind the word is an illusion. Humans aren’t meant to be with one person for the remainder of there life. Humans are cranky, moody, and unpredictable. Also i’m always thinking what if the person dies, and what if i fall for someone new next week. My moods are so erratic that i’ve realized that i will never find a soul mate and will probably die alone. This is not to say that you will never find a soul mate, it just means that i will never find one. Good luck hunting for a “soul mate”. Live, love, learn, and be healthy and wise.

Why do celebrities annoy me.

Everyday “celebrities” are forced upon us via newspapers, magazines, television, and internet. I realize many people have nothing to do with their time and have the luxury of spending their days wondering what celebrities are doing, but for most working class people having these celebrities forced upon us is a nuisance which ills me. I have always questioned the obsession of people with others whom they don’t even know. I have never met Britney spears, Jessica Simpson, Amy Winehouse, or any of these rich young and beautiful people, and if i did i wouldn’t know what to say to them anyway, so i don’t even look forward to the meeting.

I read the newspaper often, and i see America is facing some difficult times, and perhaps the time for obsessing over celebrities needs to come to an end, if not for ever at least till we get our house in order. Celebrities are for when times are good and enjoyment abounds. But with food cost close to all time highs, gas prices through the roof. How can the media overwhelm us with these mindless celebrity write ups? Shouldn’t they be devoting this space to finding solutions for the problems we are facing. Reading about Amy Winehouse isn’t going to make gas appear in my cars tank, but she may leave a diaper in my car, and Britney Spears isn’t going to feed me lunch. It’s obvious the powers that be don’t want us to focus on the important issues, but rather on celebrities problems or windfalls. Can you say, distraction, till we are defeated in our sleep. Kill your idols people, before they kill you.